管理员 原力10009
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5740 小时
管理员 原力10009
Starhawk “星鹰号”
Built from salvaged Imperial Star Destroyers at a secret location, the Starhawk is a prototype New Republic battleship. It is designed to take on the Empire’s capital ships, finally giving the New Republic the ability to face Imperial fleets on equal terms. The Starhawk has heavy durasteel armor, deflector shields, multiple turbolaser batteries, and a tractor beam array with ten times the power of a Star Destroyer’s beam. The New Republic Senate has already voted to build three more Starhawk-class battleships, hoping to end the war as quickly as possible.
“星鹰号”是新共和国的原型战列舰,是在一个秘密场所用打捞的帝国歼星舰改造的。它被设计为能对抗帝国主力舰,使新共和国终于有了能以平等条件对抗帝国舰队的能力。“星鹰号”有厚重的耐钢装甲、偏导护盾和多门涡轮激光炮。它的牵引波束阵列十倍于歼星舰的牵引波束功率。新共和国议会已投票同意再建三艘“星鹰级”战列舰,希望以此能尽快结束战争。 |