管理员 原力10005
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5739 小时
管理员 原力10005
Overseer “监察长号”
The Overseer is an Imperial-class Star Destroyer from Kuat Drive Yards, currently assigned as the flagship of Titan Squadron. It won distinction at Pothor and the Battle of Jeyell, where the Overseer managed to destroy several enemy Nebulon-B frigates despite being heavily outnumbered. Recently, the Overseer responded to a New Republic strike against the Imperial dockyard at Var-Shaa. Though the Overseer was severely damaged in the battle, it was able to throw off New Republic pursuers and return to search for survivors. Now refitted and fully overhauled, the Overseer is ready to return to the front lines.
“监察长号”是夸特动力船坞建造的“帝国级”歼星舰,目前被分配给泰坦中队当旗舰。它在波索尔和杰耶尔战役中立下战功。当时“监察长号”在敌众我寡的严重劣势下成功摧毁敌军多艘内布伦-B护卫舰。最近,“监察长号”在瓦尔-沙阻挡新共和国打击帝国船坞。虽然在战斗中严重受损,但它成功摆脱新共和国的追击,还返回战场寻找幸存者。现在,焕然一新的“监察长号”准备重返前线。 |